Stressed About Word Stress in Russian Language? What makes it so difficult is that in Russian there are virtually no rules that dictate which syllable has to be stressed. Russian grammar rules are particularly riddled how to find the stress in russian words long lists of those.
There is, however, one rule that is easy to remember. Since word stress is so confusing, why bother with it at all? Leave a Comment Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Connect with us on any of our social profiles. Any rules to determine the stress of Russian word? I find it difficult to get the accent of russian words.
Any rules to determine the stress of a russian word? Bad news – no rules, except very few. For example, “ё” is always stressed. Not too much useful, however, because this leter usually is written like “е”. Other rules which I heard of, were so complicated and irregular that maybe it’s easier to remember correct stress than using such rules. I can’t understand the russian in the link.
Maroseika, I’m sorry for my ignorance, but I dare say that even I don’t understand the majority of the russian which was on that website. What I mean is – I understand the words themselves, but it’s just putting them together and making sense of them which I find difficult. Unfortunately, some of us, foreros, are not quite at your level on intelectuality and inteligence, or at least when it comes to complicated grammatical structure of the Russian language and it’s unterminable irregularities. You see, the problem is that in Russian, the accent or the stress of the syllables is not ”fixed”. In English, the general rule is that the stress falls on the first syllable. In French – it falls on the last.
And in Spanish – thank goodness there are accents which indicate clearly how you are supposed to pronounce this word! However, in Russian- I’m afraid nothing like this exists. You do not write it on when writing yourself. I hope that was at least of some use to you. Come on, Crescent, not being a specialist I also read such texts with the great difficulty.
But you know, if you read each sentence again and again, and use different dictionaries, step by step you start to understand more or less what they mean and in such moments you feel yourself like Mr. Поставить гриф “для служебного пользования”, и пусть лингвисты читают её сами друг другу за закрытыми дверями институтов. Одобряю, справочная литература не для лёгкого чтения, а для поиска информации. Не думал, что вообще можно описать правила ударения русского языка. Кто-то потрудился, но это ведь капля в море? There is little point of learning the stress rules if you don’t know those words. Learn the stress of each word as you go along and pick up new words.
To a lesser extent in Russian but this is the way it works for English, Japanese, Arabic and Chinese – learn a new word – learn its spelling and pronunciation in singular and plural, in nominative and other cases. You must log in or sign up to reply here. How can you learn a language? How can you use a computer? Этот сайт доступен на русском языке. Get lifetime access to this translator and other tools! This phonetic translator is available as REST API.
If you need private Russian lessons, please contact us for more details. Tatiana, the author and the female voice of our Russian vocabulary builder, will be happy to help you. Stress in the Russian Language Learning Russian phonetics may be challenging for people who are just starting to learn Russian. As you may know, Russian vowels are pronounced differently depending on whether they are stressed or unstressed.
Unlike some other languages, Russian does not have strict rules for the stress position. Stress patterns are almost impossible to predict, especially for someone who has just started learning Russian. This online tool automatically inserts stress marks into Russian words and restores the letter “ё” in Russian text. Some Russian words with the same spelling can have different meanings depending on the placement of the stress. The tool will show you all possible stress positions in such words.