Friends’ Hiding in Your Facebook Feed? How Russian how to find russian friends on facebook tried to organize anti-immigrant rallies, and more.
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Travel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations, and explore the world with kindred spirits. Sign up for our Wine Club today. Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine? All of a sudden, Facebook—and perhaps Twitter and Google, too—find themselves at the center of the Russiagate investigation. Who Is Felix Sater, and Why Is Donald Trump So Afraid of Him? Could Paul Manafort Bring Down the Whole Trump Family?
The likely financier of the so-called Internet Research Agency of professional trolls located in Saint Petersburg is a close Putin ally with ties to Russian intelligence. There’s a long backstory that led to Zuckerberg’s statement. But even that belated Facebook admission understates the size and scope of the Russia-based intervention. According to investigative reports across a wide range of American newspapers, television outlets, and websites, the full scope of what Russian operatives did, or tried to do, is just beginning to emerge.