Feel like your spending hours and hours on Facebook every week without anything to show for it? Not sure how to find brides on Facebook? The problem with any kind of trendy bridal marketing, and especially social media, is that everyone rushes to how to find brides on facebook on the bandwagon, but no one has any idea what to do when they get there!
The have the tactic, but no strategy or plan for how to get real ROI from their efforts. After skyrocketing her own Facebook following to over 8,000 fans in just a couple years, Christine has decided to share some of her best kept secrets for finding brides and generating more leads to your wedding business from Facebook. FREE SEO Series Simple, bite-sized SEO tips to get you started right now. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Facebook tells us that there are 2. 3 million brides on their network and you are probably trying to figure out how to get your message to a least the ones in your area. Facebook but simply aren’t seeing the results.
It doesn’t take a social media expert to get excellent results from Facebook. All you need is 15 minutes a day. This will help them engage with you on a more personal level. Don’t use every post to sell your stuff! This is a social media platform, not a sales letter. Ask direct questions about your followers and their lives. The whole point is to get them involved and engaged in commenting on your posts.
Ever notice that as you’re scrolling through FB, you only stop when something catches your eye? Remember, don’t use every post to sell your stuff! I know you’ve seen people that do this. Again, this social media platform is about engagement and interaction.
If they like you on FB they’ll make their way to your website naturally. Save your blog for your website! Keep it short and to the point. People love to feel like they belong to the conversation! It’s not going to work if you don’t work it.