The starting place to learn the Russian language on the Internet. This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common How do you say find in russian words is available here. To hear sound, please download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
Я не могу́ найти́ свой бага́ж. Try to find the right solution. Наско́лько сло́жно найти́ рабо́ту в Москве́? How difficult is it to find a job in Moscow? Он до́лго иска́л ключи́, но не нашёл. I was looking for the keys for a long time but didn’t find them. We found a guitar in the attic.
Юля и Бори́с не мо́гут найти́ о́бщий язы́к. Yulia and Boris can’t find a common language. I have found one hundred rubles. Я вошёл в дом и нашёл его́ лежа́щим на полу́.
I entered the house and found him lying on the floor. Учёные нашли́ но́вый спо́соб получе́ния электри́чества. Scientists have found a new way to generate electricity. Найди́те значе́ние незнако́мых слов и переведи́те предложе́ние. Find the meaning of unfamiliar words and translate the sentence. Он нашёл слу́чай вступи́ть в разгово́р с на́ми.
He found an opportunity to start a conversation with us. It’s easier to lose a friend than to find one. За худым пойдёшь — худое и найдёшь. Не that seeks trouble never misses.
He will find who is searching. За чем пойдёшь, то и найдёшь. You will reap what you sowed. You will find what you went for. Present Tense The perfective verb найти is not used in the Present Tense.
Use the imperfective verb находить instead. Future Compound Tense The perfective verb найти is not used in the Future Compound Tense. 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Ask them in the Russian Questions and Answers — a place for students, teachers and native Russian speakers to discuss Russian grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and other aspects of the Russian language. Learn Russian every day for free! Clicks the “Like” button below to get daily updates on Facebook! How do you decide where to put stress in unknown words?
The starting place to learn the Russian language on the Internet. This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here. To hear sound, please download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
I decided to go to Suzdal to visit a university friend. Photo by kyllaris, licensed under CC SA 2. Вчерá я с мои́ми товáрищами по рабóте был на корпорати́ве. Yesterday my colleagues and I were at a corporate party. My dog is my best friend.